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    to look after

look [luk]

    n.看,注视,脸色,面容,外表 vi.看,注意,朝着,好象,显得 vt.打量,注视,用眼神(或脸色)表示,期待

after [a:ftә(r)]



她把婴儿交给无责任感的保姆看管。She left the baby in the irresponsible hands of a nurse.照顾者,看管人被雇来照料或看管货物、财产或人的人;保管人One that is employed to look after or take charge of goods property or a person; a custodian.不要让火处于无人看管的状态。Never leave a fire unattended.嗯,她有200英亩的海滨需要看管Well she is200acres of oceanfront real estate and assorted buildings.工业化会把人民大众变成看管机器的人。Industrialization would turn the masses into mere machine minders.那个看管仓库的人是很可靠的。The caretaker of the warehouse was trustworthy.遭到破坏、无人看管的庄园。Estates suffering from vandalism and neglect.


在...看管之下 be in someone''s hands

在场看管的警卫室 on-site guard station

漂流物的看管人 receiver of wrecks

看管 attention; take care of; take good care of; taken care of; taken good care of; takes care of; takes good care of; took care of; took good care of

看管...的 in charge of

看管人 surveillant

看管定额 machine-tending quota

看管式印表机 attended trail printer

看管迴圈期 machine-tending cycle

警卫及看管费用 guard and caretakes expenses

轮机部贮藏品看管人 n. engine store keeper

骑在马上看管 ridden herd on; rode herd on

