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    mud carp (Cirrhina molitorella)
    same as 土鲮鱼|土鲮鱼

mud [mʌd]

    n.泥,泥浆,泥泞;Multi-User Dungeons,多使用者网路游戏;Multi-User Domuins,多用户领域

carp [ka:p]

    n.鲤鱼 vi.吹毛求疵

same [seim]

    adj.同一的,相同的,无变化的,上述的,所谓 pron.同样的事物 adv.同样地

as [әz]

    adv.同样地,被看作,象 prep.当做 conj.与...一样,当...之时,象,因为 [域] American Samoa,东萨摩亚 [军] Air to Surface,空对地 (As)symb [化]砷 (arsenic)


1964年生产鲢鱼,草鱼,鱅鱼,鲮鱼鱼苗5百万尾。In19645million fry of silver carp grass carp big head and mud carp were produced there.1964年生产鲢鱼、草鱼、鱅鱼、鲮鱼鱼苗5百万尾。"In19645million fry of silver carp grass carp big head and mud carp were produced there."鲮鱼球有孔雀石绿…Fish balls carry malachite green...再把鲮鱼肉、粟粉、蛋和调味料加入豆腐中拌匀。Mix the minced dace cornstarch egg and seasonings with the tofu.穿山甲又名鲮鲤,是国家保护动物。The pangolin is called chuanshanjia or lingli in chinese it is a kind of national protected animal.


冻沙鲮鱼 frozen lizard fish

冻鲮鱼 frozen dace

冻鲮鱼片 frozen dace fillet

段装豆豉鲮鱼 cut fried dace with salted black beans

油浸烟熏鲮鱼 smoked dace in oil

油浸鲮鱼 dace in oil

油炸鲮鱼 fried dace

活鲮鱼 dace,live

豆豉鲮鱼 dace with black bean fried dace with salted black beans

