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    mountain range
    mountain ridge

mountain [mauntin]


range [reindʒ]

    n.山脉,行列,範围,射程 vt.排列,归类于,使并列,放牧 vi.平行,延伸,漫游

ridge [ridʒ]

    n.背脊,山脊,屋脊,山脉,犁垄 v.起皱,成脊状延伸,翻土作垄


橡树岭国家实验室运输分析中心。Oak ridge national laboratory center for transport.摘要天水渭北地区地处祁连与北秦岭造山带结合部位。The north area of weihe river is located in the joint of the qilian-north qinling orogenic belt.


下马岭组 Xiamaling Formation

东岗岭期 Dongganglingian Age, Tungkanglingian Age

东岗岭组 Donggangling Formation

东岗岭阶 Dongganglingian Stage, Tungkanglingian Stage

串岭沟组 Chuanlinggou Formation

分山岭 dividing range

分水岭 waterdivide, divide, watershed

分水岭学说 watershed doctrine

分水岭工业 watershed industry

分水岭移动 migraton of divide

南岭尧花 liaogewang

多水高岭土 meta halloysite

大陆分水岭 continental divide

密高岭土 terratolite

山岭使用权 right to the use of a chain of mountains

山岭使用权纠纷案 controversy over the right to the use of a chain of mountains

山岭区 mountain terrain

山岭所有权 ownership of a chain of mountains

山岭所有权纠纷案 controversy over the ownership of a chain of mountains

山岭隧道 mountain tunnel

岭 range, ridge

岭估计 ridge estimate

岭南李饼 Lingnan flattened plum

岭南蜜枣 Lingnan preserved date

岭参数 ridge parameter

岭回归 ridge regression

岭迹 ridge trace

峻岭 steep mountain

微晶高岭土 micromontomarillonite

断块山岭 basin range

