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林地的英文翻译 林地英文怎幺说 林地的英文例句





woodland [wudlәnd]



铁路正向原始森林地带延伸。The railway is being extended into areas of virgin forest.我去了伦敦,还去了约克郡、利物浦和新森林地区。I went to london and I went to yorkshire liverpool and the new forest.我想,是约克郡和新森林地区。I think yorkshire and the new forest.我在林地中的某处,L'm somewhere in the woodland.无比宝贵的林地正在遭到毁坏。Irreplaceable woodland is being destroyed.一个位于德国西南的山坡森林地带。A hilly forest region in southwestern germany.这些林地受到细心的打理。These areas of woodland are being carefully managed.


丛林地区 brush county

人均林地面积 forest area per capita

保留林地 forest reservation

克劳福德-毕克林地毯织机 Crawford-Pickering machine

佔用林地 occupation and use of forest land

卡曼尼基林地毯 Karmanian Khilim

卡曼尼基林地毯 Karmanian Khilim

卡林地毯 kalicha

卡林地毯 kalicha

商业林地 commercial forest land

园林地形改造 topographical reform of garden

契林地毯 chilim carpet

契林地毯 chilim carpet

宜林地 suitable land for forest

徵用林地 requisition of forest land

无林地 opening

无林地造林 afforestation

有林地 forest land

材用林地 timber land; commercial forest

林地 woodland; timberland; forest land

林地刈草权 removal sod right

林地土壤改良 forest land amelioration

林地沼泽 forest mire

林地清理机械 site preparation machinery

林地税 forest tax; woodland tax

林木、林地所有权纠纷案 controversy over the ownership of woods and woodland

森林地区 forest district

森林地图 forest map

森林地带 forest land

森林地面 forest floor

