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康保的英文翻译 康保英文怎幺说 康保的英文例句




    Kangbao county in Zhangjiakou 张家口|张家口

county [kaunti]



您是否有健康保险?Do you have a health insurance?她有个人健康保险。She's got private health insurance.我们公司的主要附加福利包括奖金、健康保险和交通津贴等。The main fringe benefit in our company include the bonus health insurance allowances and so on.现在我有健康保险了。I have health insurance now.这工作的附加福利包括一辆小汽车和免费健康保险The fringe benefit of this job includes a car and free health insurance这工作的附加福利包括一辆小汽车和免费健康保险。The fringe benefit of this job include a car and free health insurance.你将享受人寿保险和健康保险,一年一次为期两周的带薪假,每週工作五天。You'll also enjoy life insurance and health insurance day work week.全民健康保险实施之后,只有3位病人因为个人因素而无法接受完整的治疗。After nhi only three patients had incomplete treatment due to personal reasons.


健康保证组织 Health Maintenance Organization HMO)

健康保险 health insurance

健康保险理事会 Health Insurance Council

健康保险股 health insurance unit

健康保险计画 health insurance plan

健康保险费 health insurance premium

健康保险费用 health insurance premium; health insurance expense

国民健康保险 national health insurance

意外和健康保障办法 accident and health plans

集体健康保险 group health insurance

高等人寿健康保险 advanced life and health insurance

高等人寿及健康保险 advanced life and health insurance

