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割断的英文翻译 割断英文怎幺说 割断的英文例句




    to cut off
    to sever

cut [kʌt]

    v.切(割、削),(直线等)相交,剪,截,刺穿,刺痛,删节,开闢 n.(刀、剑、鞭等的)切削,削减,删节,伤口,切口

sever [sevә(r)]



当他剩下的鱼饵中有一块被咬住时,他就用自己那把带鞘的刀把钓丝给割断了。When something took one of his remaining baits he cut the line with his sheath knife.割断脐带会使产妇有轻度的疼痛。Cutting the umbilical cord is mildly painful to the mother.割断他脊椎神经的兇器That severed his spinal cord.路过时打算顺手偷走车中的收音机,却没料到车里有人,反被吓了一跳,仓惶之中用刀割断了她的喉咙。Evidently trying to steal her car radio? Was surprised by her and cut her throat with a knife.没有人仅凭闭目、不看社会现实就能割断自己与社会的联繫。No man can sever the bonds that unite him to his society simply by averting his eyes.让我们把脐带割断,好吗?Let's cut the umbilical cord okay?他们跳进散兵抗,并乘你不注意割断你的喉咙Into fox holes and slitting your throat at night.我早就告诉过斯朗不要割断绳梯。I told sloan he shouldn't cut that rope ladder.以确保气管给割断了Making sure the trachea was severed.在高潮的时候,他强姦了她,而后割断她的喉咙。He would ravish her and cut her throat at the moment of climax.


冷冻割断 freeze cracking, freeze cleave

割断 cut off; sever

割断...使之自由 cut free

割断与...的关係 dissociate oneself from

割断价格联繫 sever the relationship in prices

割断传动装置 threw out of gear; thrown out of gear

割断缆索使小船漂流 cut the painter

割断联繫 cut the connection; cut the connexion

机械加压割断岩心 core cutting by mechanical loading

液压割断岩心 core cutting by hydraulic pressure

试图割断 cut at

