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割下的英文翻译 割下英文怎幺说 割下的英文例句



[gē xià]

    cut off

cut [kʌt]

    v.切(割、削),(直线等)相交,剪,截,刺穿,刺痛,删节,开闢 n.(刀、剑、鞭等的)切削,削减,删节,伤口,切口


割下来晒乾用作饲料的草。Grass mowed and cured for use as fodder.砍头从…割下头部;斩首To separate the head from; decapitate.鹿茸是在小鹿长到65天时割下鹿角。Velvet antler is deer horn that is cut from the deer after approximately65days of growth.那只海豹不久就得到应有的惩罚,船长把它的尾巴割下一大截。The seal soon got his bitters and the captain cut a big bunk off the tail end.他们便割下比基利的儿子示巴的首级、丢给约押。And they had sheba's head cut off and sent out to joab.他们割下了他的头。They cut his head off.依班人已经把他们割下来了The iban have cut them off.採用半自动切割下料。Adopt semi-automatic cutting and blanking.和19世纪那个糟糕的割下自己耳朵After the19th century painter vincent van gogh他从金枪鱼身上割下几片肉。He cut strips from the tuna.它用巨钳把未成熟的椰子割下There it cuts down young nuts with its pincers我就把你老二割下来装入鞋盒I'm gonna have to remove your genitals and put them in a shoebox.喜欢新割下的乾草的气味。I love the smellof new-mown hay.


割下 mow down

