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[kàn yī kàn]

    to have a look

look [luk]

    n.看,注视,脸色,面容,外表 vi.看,注意,朝着,好象,显得 vt.打量,注视,用眼神(或脸色)表示,期待


我可以看一看你存单原件吗?Can I read your formal deposit receipt?我来看一看盘轮。I'll check the disk wheel.我想看一看医生,诊断一下我的烧心症状。I'd like to see the doctor about my heartburn.请看一看桌上这些岩石样品,它们都是不同类型的断层岩。Look at these rock samples on the table they are all fault rocks of different type.让我看一看详细的书面材料。Let me take a look at the poop sheet.首先,我们来看一看太阳能集热板包括的各个部件。First let's examine the parts of which a solar panel consists.同时举行跳绳比赛,看一看哪组跳得最好。Let's skip the rope. Ok? Can you play with me?我会的,看一看谁先放弃I'm game. We'ii see who rusts first.我们要到乡下去看一看。We'll go to the countryside on a visit.我想要看一看尼亚加拉瀑布。I want to see niagara falls.在镜子中看一看男人的身体。Look at your manly physique in the mirror.


朝下看一看 glance down

看一看 gave a glance at; gave a glance over; give a glance at; give a glance over; given a glance at; given a glance over; gives a glance at; gives a glance over; take a glance at; take a glance over; taken a glance at; taken a glance over

随便看一看 glance her eyes over; glance his eyes over; glance my eyes over; glance one''s eyes over; glance our eyes over; glance over; glance their eyes over; glance your eyes over

