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砍倒的英文翻译 砍倒英文怎幺说 砍倒的英文例句



[kǎn dǎo]

    cut down;hew;fall;log;chop down;cut sth down

cut [kʌt]

    v.切(割、削),(直线等)相交,剪,截,刺穿,刺痛,删节,开闢 n.(刀、剑、鞭等的)切削,削减,删节,伤口,切口

down [daun]

    adj.向下的 adv.向下,在下麵,下去,降下 prep.往下,沿着 n.绒毛,软毛,开阔的高地

hew [hju:]


fall [fɔ:l]

    n.秋天,落下,瀑布,降低,落差,採伐量,堕落,下降 vi.倒下,落下,来临,失守,变成,垮台,下跌,阵亡 vt.击倒,砍倒(树木) adj.秋天的

log [lɔg; (-) lɔg]

    n.航行日誌,原木,园形木材,园木 v.把...记入航行日誌,伐木,把...锯成段

chop [tʃɔp]

    n.砍,排骨,官印,商标 vt.剁碎,砍,(风浪)突变


负责对被砍倒的树作记号的樵夫。A logger who marks trees to be felled.砍倒一棵橡胶树。To fell a gum tree.树被砍倒并截去枝条。The tree was felled and limbed.他砍倒了他的敌人。He cut down his enemy.他用他的鲍伊猎刀砍倒了他父亲心爱的牧豆树。He used his bowie knife and chopped down his father's favourite mesquite tree.他在近根处将树砍倒。He cut down the tree close at the base.我希望你别把它砍倒。I'd rather you do not cut it down.我要砍倒一些老苹果树,因为它们已经几乎不结果了。I am going to chop down some of the old apple trees they have almost stopped producing fruit.一斧一斧砍倒大树。Little stoke fell great oak.在树被砍倒后把圆木截成几段的伐木工。A lumberman who cuts logs into lengths after the trees have been felled.朱利安用斧子砍倒了老苹果树。Julian used an axe to chop the old apple tree down.樵夫将树砍倒了。The woodcutter cut down the trees.他们砍倒了那棵在明朝时栽种的树。They cut down the tree which dated from the ming dynasty.有七棵树被砍倒了。Seven tress have been cut down.


着手砍倒 set the axe to

砍倒 chop down; cut down; hack down; hew down

