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[kàn bùdǒng]

    unable to see
    can't read

unable [ʌn'eib(ә)l]


see [si:]


read [ri:d]

    v.读,阅读,理解,学习 adj.有学问的 n.读取 vbl.read的过去式和过去分词


我们迷路了,因为我们看不懂这张地图。We got lost because we couldn't read the map.你的速记笔记我看不懂。I can't read your shorthand notes.政府部门的档中常使用术语,普通人看不懂。Civil Service documents are often written in gobbledegook that ordinary people canno幽默作家李南衡也有一次因看不懂德语而出糗的经验。Ignorance of german once led to a blooper of humorist li nan-heng's own making.但是,他的一部作品我都看不懂。这是不是说明我没有艺术品位?But I don't even understand a single work of his.does than mean I don't have a taste for art?没注解我看不懂那本书。I couldn't understand the book without the gloss.轻浮的言语会导致令人悲伤的结果,而且也有许多粗鲁笨拙的人!(编按:完全看不懂在讲啥?Nicola: flippancy lead to desmal results and there are a lot of clowns!我看不懂他马马虎虎写的那封信。I could make no sense of his carelessly written letter.这张字条字迹潦草,我看不懂。I cannot read this note it's illegible.看不懂却说我可怜,如此可怜。Thus wretchedness think that I am wretchedness but you can not understand.他的脸还是让人看不懂,没有笑容。His face remained inscrutable and unsmiling.这本书太深了,我看不懂。This book is too strong meat for me.这样潦草的笔迹我一点也看不懂。I can make nothing of all this scribble.

