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礼节的英文翻译 礼节英文怎幺说 礼节的英文例句





etiquette [etiket]



最初,他只想对莫洛托夫进行礼节性的拜访。He had at first wanted only to make a courtesy call on molotov.创建一个“弹性空间”、振奋、不拘礼节和信任的环境……嘉奖进步……颂扬成果。Create a flexible space upbeat formality free and trustful environment.但是,礼节需要适应许多以前从未想到过的情形。However manners have had to adapt to a number of situations hitherto unthought of.可以教她们一些最基本的礼节May yet learn some rudimentary manners.礼节、惯例或者时尚要求的。Required by etiquette or usage or fashion.穆索斯基的举止总是过于讲究礼节。Mussorgsky's manners were always ceremonious.你忘了你的礼节了吗?Have you forgotten your protocol?他是一个拘泥礼节的人。He is a stickler for formality.现在他妻子因不守礼节而引起了这幺大的震动,他对此却毫无办法。And he was defenseless against the shocks of his wife's repeated disregard of the proprieties.以得体和礼节为特点。Characterized by tact and propriety.英国议会两院渲染铺张的礼节。The highly-coloured ceremonial of the houses of parliament.用刀子吃豆是不合礼节的。It's not done to eat peas with a knife.与习俗和礼节相一致。According with custom or propriety.在日常生活中没有时间讲礼节。There's no time for formality in everyday life.


不拘礼节 in the family way; let her back hair down; let her hair down; let his back hair down; let his hair down; let my back hair down; let my hair down; let our back hair down; let our hair down; let their back hair down; let their hair down

不拘礼节地 in a family

外交礼节 diplomatic etiquette; diplomatic protocol

大使礼节 ambassadorial ceremonial

拘于礼节 stand on ceremony; stand upon ceremony

正式礼节 formal ceremony; official ceremony

礼节性拜访 courtesy call; courtesy visit; duty visit

