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pigeon [pidʒ(ә)n]


dove [dʌv]

    n.鸽子 vbl.dive 的过去式


我们别赶走鸽子好吗?Can we keep the pigeons?我们在特拉法加广场喂了鸽子。We fed the pigeons in trafalgar square.我午餐吃了美味的乳鸽肉馅饼。I had a delicious squab pie for my lunch.我用肥皂箱给我的鸽子做了一个笼子。I had made a cage for my pigeons out of a soapbox.因为鸽子们咕咕叫。Est pour que les pigeons roucoulent.这所无人住的房子的屋檐成了鸽子的歇息处。The eaves of this deserted house have become the roost for pigeons.这只鸽子一年到头居住在这里和我们为伴。This dove was resident with us all the year round.


乳鸽 young pigeon

信鸽 homing pigeon

信鸽牌汽车 Homer

信鸽牌汽车 Homer

冻野鸽 frozen wild pigeon

冻鸽子 frozen pigeon

媒鸽 stool-pideon

林鸽 wood pigeon

活乳鸽 live young pigeon

活鸽 live pigeon

炖乳鸽 stewed young pigeon

炸乳鸽 fried spring pigeon

烧烤双鸽 roasted double pigeon

白鸽鱼 pai ko fish

百里鸽牌手錶 Breguet

百里鸽牌手錶 Breguet

红绘虎皮鸽蛋 boiled and fried pigeon egg,stewed with brown sauce

脆皮乳鸽 crispy spring pigeon

香菇炖乳鸽 steamed young pigeon with mushroom

香菇炖乳鸽罐头 canned steamed young pigeon with mushroom

鲜鸽蛋 fresh pigeon egg

鸽 pigeon

鸽子 bird of peace

鸽携照相机 pigeon camera

鸽派与鹰派 doves and hawks

鸽笼式分类方法 pigeon hole sort

鸽蛋 pigeon egg

