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利己的英文翻译 利己英文怎幺说 利己的英文例句




    personal profit
    to benefit oneself

personal [pә:sәn(ә)l]

    adj.私人的,个人的,亲自的,容貌的,身体的,人身的,针对个人的 adj.[语法]人称的

profit [prɔfit]

    n.利润,益处,得益 vi.得益,利用 vt.有益于,有利于

benefit [benifit]

    n.利益,好处 vt.有益于,有助于 vi.受益

oneself [wʌn'self]



他们对环境的关注只是开明的利己行为。Their environmental concern is just enlightened self-interest.我从没想过我自己是个杂种,利己主义者。I never thought of myself as a bastard an egoist.我感到困惑,为什幺有关联的(附属的)人宣导(促使,发起)谈判代表利己主义。I'm baffled why the affiliated man initiated the negotiator into ego.一件公然的利己行为。A piece of blatant egotism.摘要合理利己主义不失为一种可以作为理性观点申述的伦理学观点。Rational egoism can be regarded as an ethnical theory when rational points of view are stated.这是一个彻头彻尾的利己主义者。That is the perfect egoist.但是,利己主义和明智的政策应能降低问题的可能性。But self-interest and sensible policy can cut the odds of trouble.靠着自我放纵和负面利己基础上的思想和行动的污染就创造出地狱来了。It was created by contamination of self-indulgence and negative ego base thoughts and actions.


利己 self care; selfcare

利己主义 egoism; privatism

利己素 allomone

利己行为 egoism

抓住每个利己的机会 draw water to her mill; draw water to his mill; draw water to my mill; draw water to our mill; draw water to their mill; draw water to your mill; drawm water to their mill; drawn water to her mill; drawn water to his mill

