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开战的英文翻译 开战英文怎幺说 开战的英文例句




    to start a war
    to make war
    to battle against

start [sta:t]

    n.动身,出发点,开始,惊起,惊跳,赛跑的先跑权,优先地位 v.出发,起程,开始,着手,惊动,惊起,起动,发动 削减战略武器条约START(Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty)

war [wɔ:(r)]

    n.战争 vi.作战,打仗

make [meik]

    vt.製造,安排,使成为,认为,产生,获得,进行,构成 vi.开始,前进,增大,被製造,被处理 n.製造,构造,性情


事实上现在我们已跟俄国开战Mr president we are now at a de facto state of war with the russians.天狼星的弟弟疾风之狐回应了开战的主张Dog star's brother running fox answered the call to battle万磁王想要开战,我们就满足他Magneto wants a war. We'll give him one.我们向侵略者们开战。We battled against the invaders.严禁离开战壕,防止德国人再次突然进攻... That it's forbidden to leave these trenches in case of a german counter attack!印度和巴基斯坦在1965年曾为喀什米尔争端开战。India and pakistan warred in1965over kashmir.决定向恐怖主义、分裂主义和极端主义开战。Have determined to wage war against terrorism separatism and extremism.开战以来我就没有说过挪威语。I haven't spoken norwegian since the war.我们不可与萨拉丁开战!We must not go to war with saladin!这是他们开战的方法?Is that how we wage war?


向...开战 make war against; make war on; start war on

向贫困开战 war on poverty

开战 commencement of hostilities

开战理由 casus belli

