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开头的英文翻译 开头英文怎幺说 开头的英文例句





beginning [bi'giniŋ]



如果有个单词是“sud”开头的,就有道理了It makes sense if there's another word that's spelled with "sud"他能够在开头几分钟内就可以掂量出一个人的好坏,而且几乎从未把人看错过。He can weigh up anyone in the first few minutes and he is hardly ever deceived in a man.他能够在开头几分钟内就可以掂量出一个人的好坏。He can weigh up anyone in the first few minutes.她鬆开头髮并开始解衣服上的钮扣。She loosened her hair and began to unbutton her dress.文章开头有点秃。The essay seems to start unsatisfactorily.我认为它是有着最为忧郁同时又轻快开头的歌曲。保罗麦卡锡真是个天才。The most melancholic and light start of a song ever.paul mccartney is a genuis as well.写一个函数,判断一个字串首字母是否以大写字母a-z开头。Write a function that determines if a string starts with an upper-case letter a-z.新段落开头要缩进。To indent a new paragraph.用我名字的开头字母刻饰银表Engraved the silver watch with my monogram.在求职信的开头一定要说明你要求某某工作,理由是。Always say at the start of an application that you're applying for such-and-such because...这本书以引语开头。The book opens with a quotation.组合文字字母或开头字母合併或交织成的图案;拼合文字A design combining or interweaving letters or initials; a monogram.


一开头就搞错 began at the wrong end; begun at the wrong end; start at the wrong end

三通开头 n. three-way cock

从开头 from the outset

刚开头 scratch the surface of

在...开头 at the initiative of

在...开头时 on the threshold of

在...的开头 at start of; at the head of; at the very inception of; on the threshold of

在开头 at the outset

契据开头部分 testatum

开头 at starting; led off; make the running

开头三角形连接 open delta

开头符号 first symbol

开头词 entry word

紧急开头 emergency switch, panic button

