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裂开的英文翻译 裂开英文怎幺说 裂开的英文例句




    to split open

split [spli:t]

    v.劈开,(使)裂开,分裂,分离 n.裂开,裂口,裂痕

open [әupәn]

    n.公开,户外,空旷 adj.开着的,敞开的,(车等)无篷的,开阔的,营业着的,公开的,坦率的,未决定的 vt.打开,公开,开放 vi.展开,开始,展现


中心凹脱离(裂开成孔?),可见黄点,后玻璃体与内界膜附着。Stage1a: foeal dehiscence yellow spot posterior hyaloids attached to ilm.保证不会磨损,破,裂开或散开Guaranteed not to wear tear rip or ravel.不能把政府的措施同作为其根据的政策割裂开。You cannot dissociate the government's actions from the policies which underlie them.乾瘪的种子裂开了,捲曲的绿叶伸展了。The dry seed ruptures and the green leaf uncurls.没有,只是断了几根骨头和内脏裂开Nah just a few broken bones and a visceral cleft.三夹板脱胶裂开了。The piece of three-ply wood has parted from the glue.沙发下麵裂开了,里面的填料也露出来了。The sofa had split underneath and the wadding was coming out.他感觉到血从裂开的头皮粘粘地流了出来,滴到了他的前额上。He felt the blood move stickily from his split scalp and trickle down his forehead.由于相反方向的拉力而分裂开的。Disrupted by the pull of contrary forces.有裂开苞片的热带美洲西番莲;茎干压碎后味道难闻。Tropical american passion flower with finely dissected bracts; stems malodorous when crushed.在叶的中脉附近裂开,彼此之间距离很近,没有完全分开成单个个体。Cleft nearly to the midrib in narrow divisions not separated into distinct leaflets.在中脉附近裂开,彼此之间距离较远,没有完全分开成单个个体。Cleft nearly to the midrib in broad divisions not separated into distinct leaflets.


使分裂开 break apart

喉裂开术 laryngofissure

对裂开 split across

气管裂开术 tracheofissure

满得几乎要裂开了 burst with

裂开 cracking; cracking; catalytic cracking

裂开网 n. splinter net

