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高薪的英文翻译 高薪英文怎幺说 高薪的英文例句




    high salary

high [hai]

    n.高度,高处 adj.高的,高原的,高等的,高音的,傲慢的,高尚的,昂贵的,严重的 adv.高度地,奢侈地,高价地

salary [sælәri]

    n.薪水 vt.给...加薪


实际一点吧--你别指望十八岁就能挣高薪。Be realistic you can't expect a big salary at eighteen.她对高薪和长工时两者的利弊作了权衡比较。She balanced the attractions of a high salary against the prospect of working long hours."在给予高薪的允诺的引诱下,许多年轻的日本工程师去了中东。"Many young Japanese engineers have been lured to the Middle East by the promise of high wages.他垂涎她的高薪。He is covetous of her high salary.高薪经理取代了企业巨头。The high-salaried manager replaced the business tycoon.高薪水有可能会加剧通货膨胀的压力。Potentially higher wages may exacerbate inflationary pressure.中央政府正在考虑提高薪水,The central government is considering giving a salary raise如果公司不愿提高薪金,工人们就罢工。If the company should not give them higher pay the workers would walk out.我们付给你们高薪,让你们来保护我们的庄稼We pay good money for our crop protection.我们给技术工人付高薪。We pay good wages for skilled worker.我们给技术嫺熟的工人付高薪。We pay good wages for skilled workers.我在前面也提到过,外国在华投资的增加会给中国人带来更多的高薪就业机会。And as I have said more money invested in china means more high-paying jobs for chinese.


拿高薪 get good wages

过高薪酬 excessive compensation

高薪 fat salary

高薪阶层 high-salaried stratum

