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开花的英文翻译 开花英文怎幺说 开花的英文例句




    to bloom
    to blossom
    to flower

bloom [blu:m]

    n.花,旺盛,青春 v.(使)开花,(使)繁盛

blossom [blɔsәm]

    n.花(尤指结果实者),花开的状态,兴旺期 vi.开花,兴旺,发展


虚荣光开花,永远不结果。Vainglory blossoms but never bears.在法国,他几乎被一个开花炮弹炸得四分五裂。He had been all but torn apart by a shellburst in france.这是所有猩红色与开花美妙地引起由日落的洋李。It was a plum tree all scarlet with blossom set off beautifully by the sunset.植物生长调节剂对景观农场金光菊矮化与开花的影响Effect of growth regulator on dwarfing and flowering of rudbeckia hirta linnaeus'plainview farm '紫藤属的任何开花藤蔓植物。Any flowering vine of the genus wisteria.日本牵牛花可以开花或者只长叶子。A japanese morning-glory may flower or produce only leaves.


中心开花烧除 centre firing; center firing; centre firing

开花 blooming

开花喷嘴 spreader tip

开花期 flowering stage

开花期的 florescent

开花桩头 broom head of pile

开花水枪 multi-jet squirt

开花草坪 flowering lawn

开花螺母 castle nut

撞得脑袋开花 dash her brain out; dash his brain out

浪开花 n. break

