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开航的英文翻译 开航英文怎幺说 开航的英文例句




    disembogue;set sail

disembogue [.disim'bәug]


set [set]

    v.放,置,移动到,使(人或事物处于某种状态),提出,树立,规定,调整;n.一套,一副,一批,接受机,装置,趋势,布景;adj.固定的,规定的,坚决的,固执的,事先做好的;Secure Electronics Transations Protocol,安全电子商务协定

sail [seil]

    v.航行(于) vi.启航,开船 n.帆,篷,航行


船7月5日开航,直驶安纳波里斯。The boat set sail on July5, headed directly for Annapolis.舰队司令下令舰队开航。The admiral issued a command for the fleet to set sail.又有一条新航线开航了。Another new air route has been opened up.1867年,苏伊士运河开航了。In1867 the suez canal was opened.理货组长,什幺时候开航?Chief tallyman what's the pilot time?汽笛通知旅客船即将开航。The whistle warned visitors that the ship was ready to sail.他们于上午七时解缆开航。They cast off and set sail at7a. M.


开航 departute

开航去 set sail to

开航日 sailing day

开航日期 sailing date

开航日期及时间 date and time of sailing

开航权 right for sailing

开航证明书 certificate of date of sailing

开航通知单 sailing card

开航通知电报 sailing telegram

最终开航 final sailing

正在开航 have way on

由最先开航的船装运 shipment by first available vessel

邮船开航日 packet day

预定开航时间 expect to departure; expect to sail

预计开航时间 estimated time of sailing

