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开着的英文翻译 开着英文怎幺说 开着的英文例句



[kāi zhe]

    leave on;unlock

leave [li:v]

    n.许可,同意,请假,休假 vt.离开,动身,剩下,遗忘,委託,遗弃 vi.出发,离开,生叶,动身

unlock [ʌn'lɔk]

    vt.开...锁,开启,显露,放开 vi.开着,解开,解出锁定


他只开着停车灯。He's using only his parking lights.她开着一辆深绿色跑车,从我身边呼啸而过。She sped by me in a dark green roadster.体育场馆的各个屋顶工程还是分散敞开着。The stadium set piece roof lies in pieces.我开着我的迷你库珀车。I drive my mini cooper.我开着我那辆保证不会出毛病的旧车子回城。I drove back to town in that old faithful car of mine.我们开着车,四处奔走。We were driven from pillar to post.我通宵都会开着灯L left the night-light on.一种附带的过道;经常连在开着的房间上。An enclosed passageway; rooms usually open onto it.一种连着开着的房间的内道或走廊。An interior passage or corridor onto which rooms open.用什幺东西支着大门让它开着吧。Prop the gate open with something.用砖块撑门使其开着。Prop the door open with a brick.宇航员将开着月球车到处考察月球。The spaceman will drive his moon car around to study the moon.


仍然开着 remain on; remain open

倒开着 on the reverse

分开着 in sunder

开着 hold open

开着的 unclosed

开着花 be in flower

敞开着 keep open

门半开着 be on the jar

