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开端的英文翻译 开端英文怎幺说 开端的英文例句





start [sta:t]

    n.动身,出发点,开始,惊起,惊跳,赛跑的先跑权,优先地位 v.出发,起程,开始,着手,惊动,惊起,起动,发动 削减战略武器条约START(Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty)

beginning [bi'giniŋ]



如果我们听任孩子们今晚迟睡,这就会成为他们得寸进尺的开端。If we let the children stay up late tonight it'll be the thin end of the wadge.他的演说是宴会的开端。His speech was the party starter.我们处于新时代的开端。We stand at the portals of a new age.希望是不幸的开端。Hope is the beginning of unhappiness.这场强盗式的帝国主义战争是全欧洲内战的开端……The piratical imperialist war is the beginning of civil war throughout europe...这就是披头士的开端。This was the beginning of the beatles.这是我地拍剪接片段的开端This is the beginnings of us shooting the montage.这种情形很难说是一个吉利的开端,但是他已经选定了他的道路了,他不想三心二意。It had hardly been a propitious beginning but he had chosen his course and would show no swerve.


作出好的开端 got off on the right foot; gotten off on the right foot

使有良好开端 put on her feet; put on his feet; put on my feet; put on our feet; put on their feet; put on your feet

做出良好的开端 got off to a good start; gotten off to a good start

取得良好的开端 get to first base; reach first base

开端 out set; outset

开端式煤柱回採法 open-end pillar method

开端的 exordial

得寸进尺的开端 the thin end of the wedge

有一个新的开端 make a new start

