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高利贷的英文翻译 高利贷英文怎幺说 高利贷的英文例句




    loan shark
    high-interest loan

loan [lәun]

    n.(借出的)贷款,借出 v.借,借给

shark [ʃa:k]

    n.[鱼]鲨鱼,骗子内行,专家 v.敲诈


他把房子抵押给放高利贷者,借款3万镑。He mortgaged his house to the usurer for& 30000.他过去经常放高利贷。He used to practise usury frequently.他很不幸欠了高利贷者一大笔款。He had the misfortune to owe a huge sum to a moneylender.他靠放高利贷生财。He made money by practicing usury.他们还受高利贷的剥削。They were also exploited by usury.他向高利贷者借钱一赌场豪赌,终于失去所有金钱。As he borrowed money from a usurer to gamble in casino and he lost all the money at last.许多人染上了赌博的恶习,愈陷愈深,不能自拔,于是向高利贷者借钱还债。Many took to gambling and got in over their heads borrowing from shylock to pay their debts.译文)我借了高利贷不得不四处躲债。I had to run away from my creditor whom I made a usurious loan.


依靠投机或高利贷发财的人 money spinner

商业高利贷 merchant-usurer

商业高利贷者 merchant usurer; merchantusurer

放高利贷 practise usury; usuriorsness

高利贷 feneration; high interest rate; loan shark; old ten in the hundred; usury

高利贷,高利贷款,高利借款 usury; lend money on usury; high-interest loans; dear money; usurious loan; feneration

高利贷合同 usurious contract

高利贷收入 usurious income

高利贷款 usurious loan

高利贷法 usury law

高利贷的 usurious

高利贷者 usurer; vampire; loan shark

高利贷资本 usurer''s capital; usurious capital; usury capital

高利贷资本家 usurious capitalists

