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高热的英文翻译 高热英文怎幺说 高热的英文例句




    a fever

fever [fi:vә(r)]

    n.发烧,发热,热病,狂热,高度兴奋 v.(使)发烧,(使)患热病,(使)狂热


遇明火、高热或与氧化剂接触,有引起燃烧爆炸的危险。It runs the risk of combustion and explosion in contact with open flame high heat and oxidant.中药灌肠治疗小儿外感高热54例。54cases Of infantile fever due to exopathy treated by enema with chinese herbs.总产热值(写为gcv)总热值(写为ghv)高热值:指燃烧产生的总热值。Gcv; gross heating value-ghv; higher heating value: total amount of heat produced by combustion.结论:小儿特重度烧伤多在合併休克时发生惊厥;惊厥与高热密切相关。Conclusion: convulsion always happened in the shock stage and was closely related to high fever.能在高热下保持坚韧的合金钢,用于製造金属切削工具。An alloy steel that remains hard at a red heat; used to make metal-cutting tools.


善于在浓烟和高热中工作的消防战斗员 smoke eater

恒高热温度状况 isohyperthermic temperature regime土表下50cm深度处年平均土温≥22℃,但夏季平均土温与冬季年均土温之差<5℃。

恶性高热 malignant hyperthermia

液体高热器 pressure boiler

耐高热材料 heat resisting material

高热值燃料 high-energy fuel

高热变质 pyrometamorphism

高热变质作用 pyrometamorphism

高热影响区 heat affected zone

高热温度状况 hyperthermic temperature regime土表下50cm深度处年平均土温≥22℃。

高热火焰颜色 heat color

