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    cold and raw

cold [kәuld]

    n.寒冷,[物]零下温度,伤风,感冒 adj.寒冷的,使人战慄的,冷淡的,不热情的,失去知觉的

raw [rɔ:]

    n.生肉,擦伤处,身上的痛处 adj.未加工的,生疏的,处于自然状态的,,不掺水的,擦掉皮的,阴冷的,刺痛的 vt.擦伤


凛冽的北风一连刮了几个星期。The pitiless north wind blew for weeks.想起24年前一个寒风凛冽的晚上。He recalled a cold windy evening twenty-four years earlier.刺骨的和凛冽的,如寒冷Sharp and biting as the cold.蓝天白云间回蕩着的悠悠牧歌令人神往,而凛冽的寒风中那一声声深沉的呼吸更使人心灵震撼。The reverberation of eclogue in the sky are charmed the deep breath in cold wind are shocked.冷森森的一片蓝天,东风凛冽。There was a cold blue sky and a biting east wind.你用画笔捕捉微风和冬日的凛冽,用色彩呈现在雪白的画布上。Catch the breeze and winter chills in colors on the snowy linen land.这里也有凛冽荒凉的海边那种礁岩嶙峋,沙丘起伏的景色。It possessed every outcropping of rock every curve of sand dune on a barren and gelid shore.纵使凛冽轻易凋零花朵,心中营火会永远灼热。Though the bitter wind easily wither flower the campfire in soul will be flaming forever.

