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搞好的英文翻译 搞好英文怎幺说 搞好的英文例句




    to do well at
    to do a good job

well [wel]

    n.井 vi.涌出 adj.健康的,良好的,适当的 adv.好,满意地,充分地,彻底地,有理地,适当地,夸奖地 int.唔,咳

good [gud]

    n.好,好事,慷慨的行为,好处,利益 adj.优良的,上等的,虔诚的,愉快的,慈善的,好心的,有益的


我们要搞好资讯基础网路建设。We will build information network infrastructure.搞好安全生产必须树立“五个观念”Doing safety production well and needing to building up "five ideas"他们自称“维可牢兄弟”,因为他们特别会搞好关係,以得到施捨。They call themselves the "velcro brothers" for their ability to latch on to benefactors.英文不好的学生只好破釜沉舟,硬着头皮把英文搞好。Students have no choice but to mug up on it if they want to progress further.


和...搞好关係 make a friend of

把...彻底搞好 do up brown

把...细心地搞好 did up brown

搞好劳资关係 smooth labor relations

搞好国有大中型企业 improving the large and medium-sized state-owned enterprises; doing a good job in large and medium-sized state-owned enterprises

搞好生产 accomplishing production goals

搞好综合平衡 maintain an overall balance

细心地搞好 do up right

细心搞好 done up brown; done up right

