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疗养的英文翻译 疗养英文怎幺说 疗养的英文例句




    to get well
    to heal
    to recuperate

get [get]

    vt.获得,变成,收穫,使得,挣得,受到(惩罚,打击等),染上,抓住 vi.到达,成为,变得 n.生殖,幼兽

well [wel]

    n.井 vi.涌出 adj.健康的,良好的,适当的 adv.好,满意地,充分地,彻底地,有理地,适当地,夸奖地 int.唔,咳

heal [hi:l]



人们只好将马克送进了史密斯疗养院。They put mark away in doc smith's sanitarium.山顶上有一座疗养院。At the top of the hill was a nursing home.社交忙季过后他常去矿泉胜地帕尔疗养。He always took the waters at parr after his strenuous social season.私立学院;私营疗养院A private college; a private sanatorium.他到海滨去疗养。He went to the seaside to recuperate.他们把他送去了克拉克疗养院They sent him away to clark sanitarium.她在疗养院过很悲惨She's absolutely miserable in that nursing home.她最好到农村去疗养一段时间。She might do well to go to countryside for a recuperation.位于山脚下的那座房子是个人疗养所。The house that stands at the foot of the hill in a rest-home for workers.在疗养院呆了一年He spent a few yearsat a vegas sanitarium.这是一所纺织工人疗养院。This is a sanatorium for textile workers.走吧,我们回疗养院Come on. We're going back to the sanitarium. Wh...


小型私人疗养所 nursing home

温泉疗养地 watering place

疗养公园 sanatorium park

疗养区 summer cottage area

疗养地 health resort

疗养所 health care facility; nursing home

疗养美容 recuperating aesthetics

疗养胜地 health resort

疗养院 sanatorium; sanitarium

疗养院床位数 number of beds in sanatoria

矿泉疗养学 crenology

