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inside [in'said]

    n.里面,内部,内脏,内情 adj.内部的,秘密的,于室内工作的 adv.在里面 prep.在...之内


他舌头里边有些地方颜色怪怪的。There are some discoloured areas inside on his tongue.小时候,我们的裤子都是不系腰带的,就缝一根鬆紧带在里边。In our childhood we sewed an elastic band inside our trousers to serve like today's waistband.在驾辕赛跑中紧靠着辕里边马。The horse having a starting position next to the inside rail in a harness race.这一场欢天喜地的乡村舞开始了,这是世界上所有跳舞里边最好的一种跳舞。The glorious country-dance best of all dances began.麦克菲从上衣里边取出一束纸。Mcfee took a sheaf of papers from under his coat.请你能不能往车厢里边Can you move down the bus please?所以我说服了我的一个朋友,把我装到桶里边,和鹹牛肉一起送到船上。So I persuaded one of my friends to put me in a barrel and send me on board with the salt beef.索马里边境北方四十公里处40kilometers North of the somalian border.屋子内的房间,他最爱的椅子在里边。The room in the house whereinto his favorite chair was.要知道葡萄乾布丁里边是些什幺,最直接的方法是将一个手指伸进布丁。The most direct way to find out what is inside a plum pudding is to plunge a finger into it.

