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pastry [peistri]



小个的果馅糕点,常用做烤麵包片。Small tart usually used as a canape.油炸玉米团粉一种用大量油脂炸成的,小的圆形或略呈长方形的糕点A small round or slightly oblong cake of cornmeal fried in deep fat.穿过了一个糕点盘子…Went through a pastry tray...迪莉娅带了一盒最好吃的法式糕点回家。Delia came home with a box of the most delicious patisserie.果仁蜜酥饼由很薄的一层糕点、切碎的坚果和蜂蜜做成的甜点心A dessert made of paper-thin layers of pastry chopped nuts and honey.烤饼一种小而味浓象饼乾的糕点或速食麵包,有时由烤架烤成A small rich biscuitlike pastry or quick bread sometimes baked on a griddle.你必须用零花钱买糕点,否则的话就只好将就了。You must buy cakes with your own pocket-money or do without.任何糕点中,糖都是不可缺少的原料。Sugar is a sine qua non ingredient in any kind of cake.他们的糕点象馊了的穀物Their pastries taste like stale cereal.这个馅饼的底层必须用软的糕点製成。The base of the pie should be made from shortcrust pastry中东的糕点,由坚果和蜂蜜为馅做成的薄层糕点。Rich middle eastern cake made of thin layers of flaky pastry filled with nuts and honey.


奶油糕点 butter cream

小型糕点机 small-sized pastry machine

糕点 pastry

糕点切片机 pastry slicer

糕点包装纸 cake-wrapping paper

糕点託盘 cake salver

糕点生产设备 cake machine

糕点用开边腰果仁 dessert split cashew kernel

糕点用整腰果仁 dessert whole cashew kernel

糕点用腰果仁 dessert cashew kernel

糕点碟 cake dish

糖果糕点加工 processing of confectionary

