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    high yielding

high [hai]

    n.高度,高处 adj.高的,高原的,高等的,高音的,傲慢的,高尚的,昂贵的,严重的 adv.高度地,奢侈地,高价地

yielding [ji:ldiŋ]

    adj.出产的,易弯曲的,柔顺的,屈从的,易受影响的 n.让步


该品种具有优质、耐冷、抗病和高产的特点。It is with characters of good quality cold tolerance rice blast resistance and high yield.高产优质抗病品种鄂抗棉8号High production top quality and resist disease varieties-emian8漂白和冷冻相结合会提高产品的有效保质期。The combination of blanching and freezing provides a significant shelf-life for a product.优质蛋白玉米中单9409高产群体品质指标研究Studies on population quality index for high yield of qpm hybrid corn zhongdan9409杂交玉米桂单30号优质高产制种技术探讨Research on the seed production techniques of hybrid corn guidan30


优质、高产、低消耗 production increases with quality up and cost of production down

优质高产 good quality and high output; top quality and high output

最高产量 maximum output; maximum production; peak output

最高产量施肥量 maximum yield application rate获得单位面积最高产量的施肥量。

空前高产 all time high output

迪林高产棉 Dearing cotton

高产优质高效农业 highly efficient agriculture that provides greater and better yields

高产作物 good cropper; highly productive crops

高产品种 high-yield varieties

高产梳棉机 high-production card

高产牧场 rich pasture

高产率 high yield

高产稳产 farmland that provides us with high and stable yields

高产费 production payment

高产量高报酬 high pay for high production

高产额 high yield

