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高处的英文翻译 高处英文怎幺说 高处的英文例句




    high place

high [hai]

    n.高度,高处 adj.高的,高原的,高等的,高音的,傲慢的,高尚的,昂贵的,严重的 adv.高度地,奢侈地,高价地

place [pleis]

    n.地方,地点,位置,职位,处境,住所,地位 vt.放置,寄予,任命 vi.名次列前

elevation [eli'veiʃ(ә)n]



从高处落下的一分硬币并非最能体现空气动力学的武器。A penny isn't the most aerodynamic of weapons.高处的天气情况很好。Weather conditions aloft are fine.高山上生长的生长在高处的;高山地带的或亚高山地带的Growing at high altitudes; alpine or subalpine.将卑微的安置在高处,将哀痛的举到稳妥之地。The lowly he sets on high and those who mourn are lifted to safety.能将水从低处抽往高处的垂直距离一般局限于10米左右。The vertical distance that water can be lifted by suction is limited to about ten metres.树干上的一个分枝在雪的重压下折断从高处掉了下来One of the offshoot of the trunk fall from high under the weight of the snow天天高处看,才有新起点。Look forward every day and you'll have a new starting-point every day.下跌因外力或从高处倒下;倒下To topple as from power or a high position; fall.熊猫生活在中国西南部山坡高处的竹林中。Panda lives in bamboo forests on upper mountain slopes of south-western china.折梯是用来够到高处的。A stepladder is used for reaching high places.这是从35英尺高处的下跳。It was a thirty-five-foot plunge.


从高处往水中跳 dive off

从高处摄景 high shot

从高处撕下 rip down

在帆索高处 aloft

在海拨高处 at high altitudes

在高处 on high

安全地隐蔽在高处 castle up in

将...从高处放入低处 lower into

把...钉在高处 nail up

高处 aloft

高处工作台 n. boatswain''s chair

高处的笨重物件 top hamper; tophamper

