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告别的英文翻译 告别英文怎幺说 告别的英文例句




    to leave
    to bid farewell to
    to say good-bye to

leave [li:v]

    n.许可,同意,请假,休假 vt.离开,动身,剩下,遗忘,委託,遗弃 vi.出发,离开,生叶,动身

bid [bid]

    vt.出价,投标,祝愿,命令,吩咐 n.出价,投标 v.支付

farewell [feә'wel]

    n.辞别,再见,再会 int.再会,别了!(常含有永别或不容易再见面的意思)


使人流泪的电影;挥泪告别A teary movie; a teary good-bye.他们是来向这位即将死的英雄,正在陨落的明星告别的。They were there to pay final tribute to a dying hero a burnt-out star.他们在火车站告别。They parted at the train station.他向我们挥手告别。He waved good-by to us.她向我挥手告别。She waved goodbye to me.我们在讨论告别巡迴演出We are talkin'about doin'a farewell tour.现在鲍莉娜正为她的告别舞会挑选舞伴And now paulina will choose her partner for her special farewell dance一个怀疑的微笑在你眼中闪烁,当我来向你告别的时候。An unbelieving smile flits on your eyes when I come to you to take my leave.一群朋友向他挥手告别。A knot of friends waved him good-bye.这份告别报告是他几周前从外交界退休时所写的。This valedictory despatch was written as he retired from the foreign service a few weeks ago.


向...告别 bid farewell; bid farewell to

告别 valediction

告别仪式 farewell ceremony

告别宴会 farewell banquet

告别晚会 farewell party

告别词 valedictory

挥手告别 wave away

