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    to watch from a height or distance
    to survey

watch [wɔtʃ]

    n.注视,注意,手錶,看守,守护,监视,值班人 vt.看,注视,照顾,监视,警戒,守护,看守 vi.观看,注视,守侯 adj.手錶的,挂表的

height [hait]


distance [distәns]


survey [sә'vei]

    n.测量,调查,俯瞰,概观,纵览,视察 vt.调查(收入,民意等) 测量,勘定,审视,视察,俯瞰,通盘考虑 vi.测量土地


有哨兵守望值勤的了望哨所。Look-out posts where sentries kept watch.但那聪明的店员马上明了我想要的东西。But the clever salesclerk soon realized which item I wanted.你应该去了望甲板了You should get up to the obs deck.托卢卡湖那头有一个火警了望塔There's a fire-lookout tower on the far side of toluca lake.希西家攻击非利士人、直到迦萨、并迦萨的四境、从了望楼到坚固城。From watchtower to fortified city he defeated the philistines as far as gaza and its territory.


主了望台 primary lookout

了望人员 lookout man; lookout observer

了望台 lookout; observatory; watch tower

了望台联络图 area map; visibility map; visible-area map

了望员 lookout; towerman

了望塔 lookout; observation tower; fire lookout; lookout tower; tower

了望室 lookout cabin; lookout cupola; tower cupola

了望屋 lookout house

了望消防员 lookout fireman

了望点 lookout point

了望站 lookout station

了望观察台 lookout observatory

了望调度员 lookout dispatcher

了权 right-to-know

辅助了望台 secondary lookout

辅助了望员 secondary lookout man

