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连锁反应的英文翻译 连锁反应英文怎幺说 连锁反应的英文例句




    chain reaction

chain [tʃein]

    n.链(条),[常 pl.] 镣铐,一连串,一系列 vt.用链条拴住

reaction [ri:'ækʃ(ә)n]



当局已经设法避免了连锁反应。The authorities have so far managed to prevent a chain reaction.美国衰退会在全球其它地区造成多大的连锁反应?How bad will the knock-on effects be for the rest of world?我们需要找到一种不会有那幺多连锁反应的解决办法。We need to find a solution that doesn't have so many knock-on effects.也许有可能引发核连锁反应。Iy may become possible to set up a nuclear chain reaction.银行的决定会对利率产生连锁反应。The bank's decision will have a knock-on effect on interest rates.正中目标能引起连锁反应…A precise hit will start a chain reaction...只有正中目标才能引起连锁反应Only a precise hit will set up a chain reaction.此举对全国的律师工资产生了连锁反应。That move in turn has had a ripple effect on lawyers'salaries across the country.获得新生的晚晴园,产生了巨大的良性连锁反应。The reborn villa has sparked a positive chain of reactions.它对英国其它城市的需求、商务和投资商机能产生一种连锁反应。With a ripple effect to demand business and investment opportunities in the rest of the.


不受抑制的连锁反应 uninhibited chain reaction

发生连锁反应 chain react

远控聚合反应的连锁反应链载体 telogen

连锁反应 chain reactions

连锁反应器 interlock reactor

连锁反应堆 interlock reactor

