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搞定的英文翻译 搞定英文怎幺说 搞定的英文例句



[gǎo dìng]

    to fix
    to settle
    to wangle

fix [fiks]

    vt.使固定,装置,修理,準备,安装,凝视,整理,牢记 vi.固定,注视,决定,选定,确定 n.困境,方位,贿赂

settle [set(ә)l]

    n.有背的长凳 vt.安放,使定居,安排,解决,决定,整理,支付,使平静 vi.安家,定居,停留,下陷,沉澱,决定,澄清


你不可能总搞定的You can't cannibalize yourself all the time.你得自己搞定连接上网的事。你的问题是这个吗?You need to take care of internet linkup yourself.was that your question?你的已经搞定了几何课,是吧?You got galantine for geometry don't you?请搞清楚,我本来都搞定了Excuse me. I do have the hook-up.人中,较难搞定的会是布冯和特雷泽盖。The more difficult of the quartet are gigi buffon and david trezeguet.我搞定那个邮递员。I'll take the mailman.我可以搞定一个好莱坞的娘娘腔I can handle a hollywood cream puff.我们俩就可以联手搞定他Then you and I can double team him.这是联赛的决胜局,我们又是主场,因此我们希望一举搞定。It is a league decider and we are at home so we want to have the final say.而我要想办法搞定And I'm gonna have to unsnag it.搞定了松饼店老闆和老奶奶The muffin man and granny!你很软弱,那你怎幺能搞定这里?You softie how do you manage it here?你可以搞定这只种马的You can take the stallion.

