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联合体的英文翻译 联合体英文怎幺说 联合体的英文例句





combo [kɔmbәu]



市长一个城市、城镇、自治市或城市联合体的政府首脑The head of government of a city, town, borough, or municipal corporation.是一个有很多地下层的工业联合体。It was an industrial complex with lots of basement levels.在中心原子周围形成一个联合体的原子、分子、原子团或离子。An atom or molecule or radical or ion that forms a complex around a central atom.美国核弹头製造联合体;Us nuclear warhead manufacturing complex;他们拆除那些房屋是为腾出地方来建设一个大型的工业联合体吗?Did they pull down the houses to make room for a big industrial complex?


企业联合体 enterprise combinations

农业经济联合体 agricultural economic associations

农村新经济联合体 new rural economic associations

刻面联合体 facet combination

劳动者联合体 associations of laborers

半紧密型经济联合体 semiclose economic conglomerate

技术联合体 technological associations

鬆散型经济联合体 loosely organized economic conglomerate

横向联合体 lateral association

生产过程联合的经济联合体 integrations are confined to the production processes

科研生产联合体 scientific research and production associations; complex of scientific research and production

紧密型经济联合体 close-knit economic conglomerate

经济文艺联合体 association of economic entity and literary and artistic establishment

经济联合,经济联合体 economic complex; economic combination; economic associations

经济联合体 concern; economic association; economic complex

经济联合体的联合委员会 joint committee of the economic integration

联合体 association; organic whole

跨行业跨地区的经济联合体 transindustrial and transregional economic complexes

