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甘心的英文翻译 甘心英文怎幺说 甘心的英文例句




    to be willing to
    to resign oneself to

willing [wiliŋ]


resign [ri'zain]

    n.辞去(职务) v.辞去,辞职


不要甘心于退而求其次。Don't settle for second best.此生此世如能否见你一面,就是死了也甘心!I'd reconcile to die only rather die for if I can see you only oonce. A meeting with you.但是敌军不甘心从目前的任何阵地上后撤。But the enemy is not willing to pull back from any of its present positions.偶尔,有一片雪花粘在窗玻璃上,似乎是不甘心于命运,不愿就这幺落到地上去。Occasionally one would stick to the glass as if reluctant to tumble to its fate.她不甘心于失败。She could not reconcile herself to failure.她不甘心只拥有一个代理的职权。She is not content with her vicarious authority.我甘心为你犯错。L "m willing to commit if you are.我甘心做一条水草I would be a water plant!在康河的柔波里,我甘心做一条水草In the gentle waves of cambridge I would be a water plant!


使...甘心于 reconcile to

甘心 find in one''s heart do; find in one''s heart to; settle for

甘心于 lain down under; lay down under; lie down under; reconcile herself to; reconcile himself to; reconcile myself to; reconcile ourselves to; reconcile themselves to; reconcile yourself to; resign herself to; resign himself to; resign myself to

甘心受罚 kiss the rod

甘心忍受 sat down to; sit down to

