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干什幺的英文翻译 干什幺英文怎幺说 干什幺的英文例句




    what are you doing?
    what's he up to?

you [ju:]


he [hi:]

    pron.他 n.男,雄 [军] High Explosive,高爆炸药 symb [化]氦 He(helium)

up [ʌp]

    adv.向上,到(较高的地方,北方),起来,起床 prep.向上,在上,沿 adj.向上的,上行的


柿子是干什幺用的?What's the persimmon for?是啊,你能干什幺,黑家伙?Yeah.what are you going to do about it oreo?虽然以前干什幺新鲜事情都喜欢打头阵。Though it had been his habit to take the lead in all new enterprises;他来这儿干什幺?What's he doing here?他们在工具房里干什幺What were they doing in the toolshed?她顺从地擤擤鼻子,身上仍在哆嗦,可是不知要吩咐他干什幺。She blew her nose obediently still trembling but she could not think what to tell him to do.她在塔豪干什幺What does she do in tahoe?我不知道现在该干什幺。I dunno what ta do now.我昨天给他打电话,问他我下周干什幺。I telephoned him yesterday to ask what I should do next week.席格!你在这里干什幺?What are you doing here seeger?现在要干什幺呢,小姑娘?What you gonna do now muchacha?在感恩节你喜欢干什幺?What would you like to do on thanksgiving day?在你们国家里,稻草用来干什幺?What do you do with rice straw in your country?这里要锹和镐头干什幺?What business has a pick and a shovel here?

