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感谢信的英文翻译 感谢信英文怎幺说 感谢信的英文例句




    thank-you note

thank-you ['θæŋk .ju]

    n expression of thanks 感谢; 致谢: Have you said your thank-yous to Mrs Brown for the party?你参加布朗太太举办的聚会后向她道谢了吗? * She walked away without so much as a thank-you. 她走时连句感谢话都没说. * [attrib 作定语] thank-you letters 感谢信

note [nәut]

    n.笔记,短信,(外交)照会,注解,注释,票据,纸币,音符 vt.注意,记录,笔记


为回报他们的热情,我们写了一封感谢信。In response to their hospitality, we wrote a thank-you note.他按期收到了朋友的感谢信。In due time the man received an acknowledgement from his friend.他给霍尔丹寄去了一封感谢信。He sent a letter of thanks to haldane.我準备给你的徵兵局写一封感谢信I'm going to write a thankyou letter to your draft board.匆匆地写了一张感谢信Scratched off a thank-you note.迪德卢姆于是动议送怀尔曼先生一封感谢信和五十个英磅。Oidlum now moved that a letter of thanks and a fee of fifty pounds be voted to mr wireman.感谢信?不,不用Thank-you note? No no.我今天把我的那一半感谢信写完了I finished my thank-you notes today.

