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感歎的英文翻译 感歎英文怎幺说 感歎的英文例句




    to sigh (with feeling)

sigh [sai]

    n.歎息,歎息声 vi.歎息,歎气

feeling [fi:liŋ]

    n.触觉,知觉,感觉,情绪,同情 adj.富于感情的,富于同情心的,衷心的,有同情心的,有感觉的,仁慈的


勿使用多个感叹号和全部大写来表达强调。Do not use exclamation points and all caps to emphasize!!!在这封信的结尾她画了一个大大的感叹号。She added a big exclamation mark at the end of this letter.这儿还有一个错误。句末他忘了加感叹号。Here is one more mistake.he forgot to put an exclamation mark at the and of the sentence.这里还有一个错误。句末他忘了加感叹号。Here is one more mistake.he forgot to put an exclamation mark at the end of the sentence.作对某人行为卤莽无礼的感歎语Used as an exclamation to complain that sb's behaviour is too impudent感歎词一类通常表达感情以及能够单独存在的词,例如啊或哇A part of speech usually expressing emotion and capable of standing alone such as ugh! Or wow!感歎于特洛伊城的繁荣昌盛。We are marveled by the prospering troy.它是座140米高的水制纪念碑,犹如一个感叹号俯视着近岸锚地。This is a140meters high water monument sort of an exclamation mark dominating the roadstead.摇曳在风中的棕榈树,宝石绿的海水和白糖般的沙子使得沙滩爱好者兴奋地大发感歎。Swaying palm trees turquoise-blue water and sugar-white sand make beach lovers sigh with delight.

