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两头的英文翻译 两头英文怎幺说 两头的英文例句




    both ends
    both parties to a deal

both [bәuθ]

    adj.两者,双方的 pron.双方,两者



deal [di:l]

    n.交易,(政治上的)密约,待遇,份量,买卖 vi.处理,应付,做生意 vt.分配,分给(out),发牌,给予


撬棍两头弯曲的短撬棍A short crowbar with curved ends.太太可手松,三天两头的出去买东西;But the concubine was freehanded and went shopping every few days.出25:18要用金子锤出两个基路伯来、安在施恩座的两头。"You shall make two cherubim of gold make them of hammered work at the two ends of the mercy seat.两头政治两个统治者共同执掌权力的政府Government by two joint rulers.他向南北两头张望着,下意识地用手杖戳着地面。He looked north and south and mechanically prodded the ground with his walking-stick.英国公司:你有两头母牛,它们疯了,它们死了。肉馅土豆饼没有人敢吃了。A british corporation: you have two cows.they are mad.they die.pass the shepherd's pie please.硬木钉一种大的、两头渐尖的钉,在接合绳头前用来解开一股绳A large tapering pin used to open the strands of a rope before splicing.


一根蜡烛两头烧 burnt the candle at both ends

两头可开的电车 doubleender; doubleo

两头吃亏 make the worst of both worlds

两头在外 buy raw materials, machinery and spare parts from abroad and sell manufactured goods on the international market

两头政治 dyarchy

两头构造相同之物 doubleender

两头桨 double paddle

两头烧火加热炉 double-end fired furnace

两头落空 fall between two stool; fall between two stools; fall sit between two stool; fallen between two stool; fallen sit between two stool; fell between two stool; fell sit between two stool

两头都得利 butter one''s bread on both sides

切去两头的青刀豆罐头 canned asparagus-style bean

四面披水屋面两头的桁条 dragon beanm或dragon piece; dragon tie

