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凉爽的英文翻译 凉爽英文怎幺说 凉爽的英文例句




    cool and refreshing

cool [ku:l]

    n.凉爽,凉爽的空气 adj.凉爽,冷静的,无所顾虑的,淡漠的 v.使冷,使镇定

refreshing [ri'freʃiŋ]



让阴暗的客厅保持凉爽,To keep the shady parlour cool舒适放鬆的时间;宁静的夜晚;凉爽安静的幽谷。The time spent was pleasant and relaxing; a restful night; a cool and reposeful glen.树阴底下凉凉爽爽。It was nice and cool under the shade of a tree.哇,今天,这海风多凉爽啊。Wow the sea breeze is so refreshing today.现在,受南太平洋信风的影响,天气很凉爽... Right now it's a cool south pacific trade wind double overheads at the big spots...熊猫的皮毛很厚,在它的栖息地凉爽的森林里,像羊毛一样的大衣使它温暖。The panda's thick wooly coat keeps it warm in the cool forests of its habitat.亚热带地区比赤道地区凉爽。Subtropical regions are cooler than equatorial regions.由于西风盛行,这个城镇很凉爽。The town is kept cool by the prevailing westerly winds.在北京热得半夜都出汗的时候,平壤却凉爽宜人。When the fever for beijing must sweat at midnight it is nice and cool and pleasant in but pyongyang.在那个凉爽的初秋早晨,李将军的队伍踏过山城。On that pleasant morn of the early fall when lee marched over the mountain-wall;


保持凉爽 keep cool

凉爽呢 wool-like fabric

凉爽香皂 cooling soap

毛涤凉爽呢 wool polyester tropical

