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干劲的英文翻译 干劲英文怎幺说 干劲的英文例句




    enthusiasm for doing sth

enthusiasm [in'θju:ziæz(ә)m; (-) -θu:-]


doing [du:iŋ]



    abbr 缩写 = South: Sth Pole, eg on a map 南极(如标于地图上的)


人们对露丝的开朗热诚和十足干劲表示肯定。People responded positively to ruth's cheerfulness and dynamism.他的工作似乎缺乏干劲。His work seems to lack energy.我仍年青,充满热诚,干劲去接受这个挑战。I am still young full of cordiality energy goes to accept this challenge.有干劲的小女巫,不是吗?Aggressive little witch isn't she?只要鲍比有干劲便经常能够找到事情做。Bobby can always find something to do if he has a little git-up.参观者对我国造船工人的沖天干劲感到惊奇。Visitors were amazed at the soaring drive of our shipbuilders.另一种公关的资历稍浅,精力充沛,干劲十足,但注意力不够集中。The other type is junior and has the bouncy unfocused eagerness of a red setter puppy.他们对我国石油工人的沖天干劲感到惊奇。They were amazed at the soaring drive of our oil workers.它是坚持不懈的干劲。It is a presevere vigor.她聪明、顽强而且干劲十足。She is bright tough and spunky.她坚称她的成功应归功于干劲而不是才华。She insists her success is due to motivation rather than brilliance.在效率和干劲方面没有人比得上詹森。No one can match up to johnson in efficiency and vigour.


使出干劲 get hit one''s stride; get into one''s stride; hit her stride; hit his stride; hit my stride; hit our stride; hit their stride; hit your stride

干劲十足地投入 plough into; plow into

干劲大的推销员 airedale

拿出干劲 put on steam

鼓足干劲 did utmost; do utmost; does utmost; done utmost

