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凉快的英文翻译 凉快英文怎幺说 凉快的英文例句




    nice and cold
    pleasantly cool

nice [ni:s]


cold [kәuld]

    n.寒冷,[物]零下温度,伤风,感冒 adj.寒冷的,使人战慄的,冷淡的,不热情的,失去知觉的

cool [ku:l]

    n.凉爽,凉爽的空气 adj.凉爽,冷静的,无所顾虑的,淡漠的 v.使冷,使镇定


热的我没法思考,我需要找个地方凉快凉快。It is too hot to think. I need to find someplace to coll off.肉类必须放在凉快的地方保存。Meat must be kept in a cool place.太阳公公戴上了云帽子,天一下子变得凉快了。When grandfather sun put on the hat of cloud it suddenly becomes cool.为什幺不来一份霜淇淋凉快一下呢?So why not cool down with a gelato?想在沙漠中找凉快?没有的事!A cold day in the desert? There is no such thing!这儿可真凉快啊!How cool it is here!哪里有凉快的咖啡厅呢?I wonder where there's a coffee shop that is nice and cool.她甚至可能告诉你哪凉快哪呆着去。She might even tell you to go jerk yourself a soda.脱掉他们的外衣让自己凉快起来试图摆脱煤烟形象的城市Shucked their coats and cooled off; a city trying to shuck a sooty image.温带一定比热带凉快啊。The temperate zone should be cooler than the tropical zone.这里凉快,坐下来歇会儿。It's nice and cool here. Let's sit down and have a rest.这些树遮住了阳光,很舒适凉快。The threes give some shade from the sun.

