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赶紧的英文翻译 赶紧英文怎幺说 赶紧的英文例句








你为什幺不赶紧甩掉手中的存货?Why do not you palm off the stocked goods now?你要赶紧在冬天以前到我这里来。有友布罗,布田,利奴,革老底亚,和众弟兄,都问你安。Erastus was stopping at corinth; but trophimus when I last saw him was at miletus ill.请赶紧去外伤治疗中心Please report to trauma immediately.他们想法在霜冻前赶紧完成秋耕工作。They were trying to rush through the autumn ploughing before the frost.他一听,赶紧放下手里的东西,小跑了过去,听“领导”的“指示”。He listens to put down the thing in the hand at once trots over listen to "the leader"point out".汤姆那时要是能在输掉更多的钱之前赶紧离开纽马基特就好了。Tom would have been well advised to tear himself away from newmarket before he lost any more money.我对你说,赶紧打消这种荒谬的想法。I'm telling you here and now to let this rubbishy idea drop.在这只水獭海盗上船之前赶紧封舱做好準备!他有厉害的右勾手!Batten down the hatches when this sea otter pirate comes aboard. He's got a great right hook!这种悽楚的景象使她赶紧跑过去。The spur of that pitiful sight set her gliding swiftly.


赶紧 got a wiggle on; made speed; make speed; maken speed; makes speed

赶紧出发 post off

赶紧办完 hurry over

赶紧办理 hurry on with

赶紧干 smap into it; smap to it

赶紧脱手以免多受损失 cut a loss; cut her loss; cut her lossed; cut his loss; cut his losses; cut my loss; cut my lossed; cut our loss; cut our lossed; cut the loss; cut their loss; cut their lossed; cut your loss; cut your lossed

