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钢丝绳的英文翻译 钢丝绳英文怎幺说 钢丝绳的英文例句




    steel rope

hawser [hɔ:sә(r)]


steel [sti:l]


rope [rәup]

    n.绳,索,绳索 v.围起


机械设备失效,吊塔、吊臂、钢丝绳、吊钩等失效;Mechanical equipment failure failure of hoisting tower hoisting arm wire rope hoisting hook etc;减速器张力滑轮应提供钢丝绳保护。Rope guards shall be provided on governor tension sheaves.井钢丝绳必须符合下列规定:Steel wire rope of the inclined shaft shall be in accordance with the following requirements:


光面钢丝绳 bright wire rope

剪钢丝绳机 wire rope cutting machine

包塑胶钢丝绳 plastic coated wire rope

右撚钢丝绳 right-hand lay wire rope

吊货钢丝绳 n. cargo wire rope

吊车钢丝绳 crane rope

同心钢丝绳 concentric wire rope

圆钢丝绳 circular rope

多股钢丝绳 cable-laid rope

带线环钢丝绳 steel wire rope with thimble

扁平钢丝绳 flat rope

扁钢丝绳 flat wire rope

提升钢丝绳 hoisting rope

旋转钢丝绳 rotating wire rope

柔性钢丝绳 n. flexible wire rope

液压钢丝绳插套联合机 hydraulic wirerope inserting and looping machine

混合撚制钢丝绳 alternate lay wire rope

煤矿用钢丝绳 colliery wire rope

特种钢丝绳 special wire rope

石墨基钢丝绳润滑脂 wire rope graphite base lubricating grease

石墨钢丝绳润滑脂 graphite-base wire rope grease

空心钢丝绳 hollow wire rope

空芯钢丝绳 tubular wire rope

筐篮式钢丝绳撚股机 basket type stranding machine

粗钢丝绳 bull rope

系结钢丝绳 n. lashing wire

绕轧钢丝绳头用的椭圆形铁环 thimble

缆式钢丝绳 cable lay wire rope

航空细钢丝绳 aircraft cord

航空钢丝绳 aircraft cable aircraft wire rope

