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凉鞋的英文翻译 凉鞋英文怎幺说 凉鞋的英文例句



[liáng xié]


sandal [sænd(ә)l]

    n.凉鞋,檀香,便鞋 v.穿上便鞋


不宜穿着拖鞋或凉鞋外出。Avoid wearing slippers or sandal when going out.或有脉压点的凉鞋……Or a sandal with pressure points drawn on them...扣拇指胶底凉鞋一种在大脚趾处用一根带子固定在脚上的无背的、通常用泡沫橡胶製成的凉鞋A backless often foam rubber sandal held to the foot at the big toe by means of a thong.平跟皮凉鞋一种平跟凉鞋,以相互交织的皮带为鞋帮A flat-heeled sandal with an upper of woven leather strips.全皮底的凉鞋,东京人最爱,牛皮美国制,真的全东京都在穿…很夸张!!Cowhide and leather outsole made in usa!!!她穿着凉鞋和肉色的紧身连裤袜。She was wearing sandals and flesh-coloured tights.她开始把自己凉鞋的鞋扣解开。She started to unbuckle her sandal.我脚上穿着凉鞋。I wear sandals on my feet.我穿着裙子和凉鞋。I wear a dress and sandals.我可以穿短裤和凉鞋。I can wear shorts and sandals.我凉鞋坏了,你能给修修吗?Can you fix my broken sandal?我们在夏天穿凉鞋。We wear sandals in summer.一大群穿着凉鞋、喋喋不休胡扯什幺“中庸之道”的傻瓜。Witter a lot of twits in open sandals wittering on about the middle way.


人造革凉鞋 artificial leather slippers

凉鞋 sandal

坡跟凉鞋 wedge sandals

塑胶凉鞋 plastic sandals

女式塑胶凉鞋 plastic sandals for lady

浴室凉鞋 bath sandals

男牛皮凉鞋 man''s sandals,cow leather

皮凉鞋 leather sandals

阔带凉鞋 thick-strap sandals

露趾凉鞋 peep-toe sandals

