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钢笔的英文翻译 钢笔英文怎幺说 钢笔的英文例句




    fountain pen

fountain [fauntin; (-) 'fauntn]


pen [pen]

    n.钢笔,围栏,围圈,作家 vt.写,关入栏中


如果查出笔记本里的字是用那钢笔写的If my lab matches this pen to that notepad售货员给他一瓶钢笔水。The salesperson gave him a bottle of ink.谁把我的钢笔拿走了?Who has taken my pen?我看了看那些用钢笔画的素描。I looked at the pen and ink drawings.我可以用一下你的钢笔吗?Could I use your pen?我要一枝粗笔尖的钢笔。I like a pen with a broad nib.我有一支钢笔,一支铅笔,一块橡皮,A ruler and a pencil-sharpener.用钢笔写上名字。Write down your name here in ink.在钢笔失去一些正电之后,丝绸上则产生了一些多余的正电。The silk having lost some electrons has a surplus of positive electricity.这个艺术家用钢笔画给这本书配插图。The artist illustrated the book with pen-and-ink drawings.这支钢笔卖三十便士。This pen costs thirty pence.最佳礼物:一个可以将来年每一天计画得新鲜美好的计画者和一只优质钢笔。Perfect gift: a fresh clean day planner for the coming year and a quality pen.


不锈钢套钢笔 fountain pen with stainless steel cap

不锈钢钢笔 fountain pen with stainless steel nib

塑胶杆钢笔 fountain pen with plastic barrel

电化铝套钢笔 fountain pen with anodized cap

自动吸水结构钢笔 fountain pen with self-filling system

解剖式结构钢笔 fountain pen with rib bar filling system

钢笔 fountain pen pen

钢笔墨水 fountain pen ink

钢笔複写纸 pen carbon paper

钢笔头 fountain pen nib

钢笔头套管 fountain pen outer cap

钢笔夹 fountain pen clip pen clip

钢笔套 fountain pen case

钢笔尖 pen nib

钢笔桿 fountain pen barrel

钢笔画 pen drawing

