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刚要的英文翻译 刚要英文怎幺说 刚要的英文例句



[gāng yào]

    be about to ...;about to;be about to do;about to do

about [ә'baut]



我刚要离去, 一个陌生人拽我的袖子。A stranger plucked at my sleeve as I was leaving.我刚要打电话给他,他就来了。I wanted to call at him the minute he arrived.他刚要摸她的手,她一下子就把手缩了回去。She jerked her hand away when he tried to touch it.她刚要上菜开饭,这时来了一些客人。She was about to dish up when some guests came.她刚要开口,我就皱皱眉示意她别出声。As she was about to speak, I frowned her down.她刚要把蛇放回笼子时,As she was putting it back into its container她刚要转身离开,突然觉得那张膨胀的脸有点熟悉。She was about to turn back when something about the bloated face struck her as fami-liar.他刚要入睡,却感到肩膀上被轻轻碰了一下。He has hardly fallen asleep when he felt a soft touch on his shoulder.我刚刚要坐下,这时有人把椅子拉走,因为椅子的油漆未干。I was on the point of sitting down when somebody pulled away the chair because it was wetly painted.这个阿拉伯人刚要入睡就感到肩膀上被轻轻一触。He had hardly fallen asleep when he felt a soft touch on his shoulder.

