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踉跄的英文翻译 踉跄英文怎幺说 踉跄的英文例句



[liàng qiāng]

    to stagger
    to stumble

stagger [stægә(r)]

    v.摇晃,蹒跚,交错,摇摇摆摆 adj.交错的

stumble [stʌmb(ә)l]

    v.绊倒,使困惑,蹒跚,结结巴巴地说话,踌躇 n.绊倒,错误


他踉踉跄跄沿街走去。He doddered down the street.在一次斗牛时,一个醉汉突然踉踉跄跄地闯到斗牛场中间。During a bullfight, a drunk suddenly wandered into the middle of the ring.她打个踉跄要倒下去,然后又站稳了。She started to fall, then steadied herself.一个喝醉了的男子踉踉跄跄地走在大街上。A drunken man was walking unsteadi决不多踉跄一步!We will not falter another step!蹒跚,踉跄不稳定地或无力地走;摇晃To walk unsteadily or feebly; stagger.他们听见他踉跄撞在树干上,树干嘎嘎剧烈摇晃不已。They heard him blunder against the trunk which rocked violently.他瘦削的身子踉踉跄跄地朝那间披屋走去。The shambling of his angular figure now directed him to a lean-to.她抱着一大堆衣服踉踉跄跄地走着。She struggled along with an armful of clothes.红脸膛的埃及人扛着口袋,踉踉跄跄踱着。Shouldering their bags they trudged the red egyptians.他一定要往前踉跄地走,赫伯给他带路。He persisted in his headlong stagger guided on by herb.她昏昏欲睡地踉跄走进浴室。She stumbled sleepily into the bathroom.


由于...而向后踉跄 reel from

踉跄 reel back

踉跄地穿过 stumble through

踉跄地走出 stumble out of

踉踉跄跄地走下 stumble down

