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[gāng jù]

    a metal saw

metal [met(ә)l]


saw [sɔ:]

    n.锯 v.锯 vbl.see的过去式


我们在你车内发现了钢锯The hacksaw in your car.有的,除了各种尺寸的锯外,我们还有一把钢锯,一把板锯和一把钢丝锯。Yes we have a hack saw a panel saw and a coping saw apart from saws of different sizes.


压铸柄钢锯架 hacksaw frame with die cast handle

双柄钢锯架 hacksaw frame with double handle

双面刃钢锯条 double-side hacksaw blade

双面钢锯条 double-edge hacksaw blade

固定式塑柄钢锯架 hacksaw frame with plastic handle solid type

固定式钢锯架 hacksaw frame,solid type

圆管钢锯架 adjustable tubular hack saw frame

塑柄平头钢锯 flush-cutting hacksaw with plastic handle

塑柄钢锯架 hacksaw frame with plastic handle

弓形钢锯 hacksaw

手用钢锯条 hand hack saw blade

挠性钢锯条 flexible hacksaw blade

木柄式固定钢锯架 solid hacksaw frame with wooden handle

木柄钢锯架 hacksaw frame with wooden handle

涂银带环钢锯架 silver-plated hacksaw frame with rings

管式钢锯架 tubular hacksaw frame

管式镀铬钢锯架 tubular hacksaw frame,chrome plated

调节钢锯架 adjustable hack saw frame

钢锯 n. hack saw

钢锯条 backsaw blade

钢锯架 hacksaw frame

钢锯片 metal saw blade

钨钢锯片 tungsten steel saw blade

高速钢锯条 high speed hacksaw blade high speed saw blade

高速钢锯片 HSS sawblade

高频淬火涂漆钢锯条 high frequency hacksaw blade,painted

